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Hello, good day, and welcome. My name is Tim Chiang and I am a web enthusiast based in San Jose, CA. I have been tinkering with computers for a good portion of my life, but only fairly recently have I seriously considered making a career out of it.

In a previous era I had endeavored to join the ranks of physicians before me to heal and build others up, with my efforts culminating in interview invites from multiple prestigious medical schools. Unfortunately, life circumstances did not permit for me to continue on that path. The site name Timolawl is word play on timolol, a nonselective beta blocker – a remnant of and tribute to that previous chapter of my life.

Much like medicine, the web can be used to build, but more importantly, to edify. Personally, there is something immensely gratifying in knowing that I have been a positive force in the lives of others. I believe the web is unparalleled as a conduit through which individuals can create, share, and inspire. There is nothing like it, which is why I am here now.